- Boiler Department and steel structures Department
- Welding Department and Mechanical Department
- Assembly Department, Heat treatment facilities, Sand blasting and painting
Boiler Department
N. 02 C.N.C.-CAD-CAM oxy-cutting machines.
N. 04 plate bending rolls with capacity up to thickness=80mm and width up to 3000 mm.
N. 02 inclinable rotating positioners with capacity up to 50 tons.
N. 01 C.N.C. pipe bending machine.
N. 20 couples of positioners for welding of plates courses up 200 tons.
Steel Structures Department
N. 04 bending presses with a capacity up to: thick 20 mmx3000mm width.
N. 02 presses, capacity 1000 ton.
N. 01 press, capacity 3000 ton.
N. 02 C.N.C. shearing machines.
N. 04 anchor surface 15 mt x 15 mt.
