Water-tube steam generators
Our pressurized ALFA water-tube steam generators, with the traditional D layout, natural circulation, enbloc, are manufactured
in a tecnologically advanced plant and combine the best from the most recent technical developments.
- Completely screened combustion chambers with big radiating surfaces and the assurence of complete combustion.
- Sealed combustion gas containing and coverying walls, using welded tangent tubes eliminating refractory materials and sheet metal casings, sources of acid corrosion and smoke leakage.
- Oversized cylindrical shells that, thanks to their big water and steam content and to the ample evaporating surfce area, permit wide-ranging operating flexibility.
- Steam take-off, equipped with special baffles that eliminate dragthrough and guarantee dry vapor.
- Nest of tubes machined to the cylindrical shells, made with tubes lined up in rows to improve insideboiler circulation and simplify cleaning on the smoke side.
- Exterior insulation made of high density insulation panels, protected by easily removed fretted sheet and free of refractory materials, a source of corrosion.
- Accessories for easy inspection and maintenance, including:
- manhole on the cylindrical shells and the combustion chamber, hatchways on the smoke revolution components, soot blowers, cooled flame-inspection hatchways;
- trustworthy and thoroughly tested instruments and valves.
- Our ALFA boiler guarantees:
- easy installation;
- suitability fot all types of fuel, burner and user;
- high efficiency, long working life;
- low operating and maintenance costs;
- continuous and safe operation, trouble-free.
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